Erasmus Plus KA210 – Small Scale

Project ID: 2023-3-EL02-KA210-YOU-000176965

Project Name: YOUth Lead the Future
Project type: Small Scale in field of Youth



About the YOLEF project

Project Objective

The project “YOUth lead the future!” aims primarily to bring together youth workers and young people to explore creative and innovative methods and tools based on non-formal education, in order to empower inclusive civic engagement and active participation of youth in democratic life. Concrete objectives include:

  • Increase the sense of European identity and citizenship.
  • Create, practice and evaluate an innovative learning guide that enhances youth engagement and active citizenship.
  • Empower youth workers with new skills, tools and methodologies.
  • Strengthen sustainable international cooperation, capacity building and partnerships in the field of youth and citizenship education.
  • Explore and promote the importance of social well-being in community life and the values ​​of teamwork, solidarity and responsibility.
  • Promote the Erasmus+ programme and its opportunities.

Interest Groups

«YOUth lead the future!» is aimed at three main interest groups:

  1. Target Group : Youth workers, educators and staff members of the four participating organisations.
  2. Beneficiaries : Young people aged 18 to 30, especially those from marginalized or underrepresented communities in the four participating countries.
  3. Indirect Beneficiaries : Relevant stakeholders and the wider community in the four participating countries, as well as at regional, national, European and international levels.

Project Partners

The project is a collaboration between four dynamic partners from across Europe:

  1. Environment Online (ENO) Greece – Greece : Leading organisation in facilitating participation in youth events and educational activities.
  2. Freeminds in Action – Italy : Focused on raising awareness among Italian youth and civil society.
  3. Association for Development Cooperation ABARKA – Spain : Dedicated to serving communities through formal and informal educational solutions.
  4. Asociatia HESSA – Romania : Non-profit initiative that promotes community and personal development, especially among disadvantaged youth.

Project Activities

The project includes a number of key activities designed to achieve its objectives:

  1. Kickoff Meeting : This will bring together partners in Thessaloniki, Greece to establish a detailed work plan and discuss budget allocation and communication.
  2. Developing a Learning Guide : Creating a practical and user-friendly guide for youth workers, based on non-formal education.
  3. 5-day training course : Focused on understanding and using the learning guide, improving the practical skills of youth workers.
  4. Local Experiential Events : Practical implementation of what was learned during the training course through local events in the partners’ communities.
  5. 3-Day Virtual International Exchange : Virtual youth mobility based on experiences from local events.
  6. Closing and Dissemination Meeting : Final meeting to present the results and impact of the project, as well as the implementation of dissemination actions.

Project duration

The project will run for 12 months, starting on March 1, 2024, and ending on February 28, 2025

Intellectual Product

The main intellectual output of the project will be an innovative learning guide that will provide concrete strategies, methodologies and resources for youth workers . This resource will be adapted to the cultural contexts and needs of each participating country to maximize its effectiveness.


Funded by


Project News…

This project not only aims to empower youth and youth workers, but also to strengthen international cooperation and knowledge exchange between participating countries. Join us and be part of the positive change!


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